THEOTHERAI secures and extends your professional standing as the Internet of Things (IoT) overwhelms the unprepared by exponentially increasing information and events. If you are ready to become significantly better in your work, social, and personal life, then this is for you. Development accelerates, and performance improves as you learn how to trigger Peak Performance to access, realize, and amplify individual and collective potential.
Go here to preview The Victory Gap featuring the Intuitive Development Training Core.
THEOTHERAI eliminates the lag between human improvement and machine advancement by integrating psychology, sociology, and neuroscience to strengthen behaviors causing the brain to filter, process, and apply information most effectively. You gain a scientific understanding for how improvement and performance are best directed and supported. Focus shifts from following rules and completing tasks to achieving superior awareness to stay ahead of events. You consistently outperform by best anticipating client/customer, team, and organizational needs. Deep knowledge for the power and construction of trust accelerates improvement to keep pace with a rapidly changing digital world.
Since 2009, traders, financial, process improvement, engineering, intelligence, entrepreneurs, business, and legal professionals have used the Intuitive Development Training Core, the heart of THEOTHERAI, to fill the learning gap created by overvaluing technology investment at the expense of human improvement. This gap is responsible for individuals and organizations struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing volume and speed of information and events fueled by advancing technology. 5G increasing 4G by 100 X to power IoT represents the 3rd Acceleration and looms as the greatest separation between the haves and have nots.
Integration of the PC, Internet, and cellular networks in the mid-1990s was the 1st Acceleration. 4G increasing Internet speed by just 10 X to power the smartphone in 2009, was the 2nd. The optimization power of quantum computing will be the 4th Acceleration. No matter how busy you think you are now, you will never have more time to secure your independence, health, and financial security. This is a mathematical certainty.
Go here to preview The Victory Gap featuring the Intuitive Development Training Core.