We offer training solutions for individuals, teams, groups, and organizations.
Career Accelerator - Basic Training creates awareness for how Psychological Warfare impacts your development and performance. You work through a self-assessment defining current state to prioritize improvement. You learn how to apply the Alpha Tools to secure and strengthen independent thought. Completing Basic Training is the first step towards breaking 'Propaganda's Spell'.
9 Modules. 3 hrs. 44 min. total instruction time + 90 Day Challenge perfecting application of the Alpha Tools Instruction recommended to be completed over 11 days. ($297)
Career Accelerator - Advanced Training* A thimble understanding of trust's power and construction turns into bucketfuls as you break down, rebuild, and add horsepower to your cognitive engine. You take away the knowledge and understanding to break 'Propaganda's Spell' through compliance with the High Intuitive Function (HIF) Performance Standard. *Basic Training is a prerequisite.
11 Modules. 4 hrs. 55 min. + 90-Day Reflection Cycle guiding practical application of the Intuitive Development Process. Instruction recommended to be completed over 15 days. ($897)
Career Accelerator Bundle - combines Basic and Advanced Training ($997)
Team Accelerator Coaching Program - one on one coaching for team leaders accelerating comprehension and implementation of the High Intuitive Function (HIF) Performance Standard. Leaders are empowered to best define, communicate, direct, and support performance expectations.
1 year program. At the end of the first 30 days (month) participants are expected to have completed Basic and Advanced Training aided by coaching sessions. After the first month, weekly coaching sessions guide completion of the 90-Day Reflection Cycle. Coaching sessions are expected to decrease to once a month upon completion of the Reflection Cycle to support implementation of the HIF Performance Standard. ($11,997)
Executive Accelerator Coaching Program - one on one executive coaching focused on application of the HIF Performance Standard for culture building, turnaround (workforce transformation), and integration (M&A).
Format mirrors the Team Accelerator Coaching Program. ($11997)
Please contact us to identify the program best suiting your needs. Ray Burchett speaks to perspective clients between 7 and 8 AM CT, Monday through Friday. Provide 3 options for date and time. For example, Wednesday, April 31, 7 AM, Thursday, May 1, 7:15 AM, Friday, May 2, 7:45 AM.