The Propaganda Briefing
By Ray Burchett, Managing Member Accelerated Intelligence LLC
June 1, 2023
As you read the Briefing, please keep in mind that trust, not technology determines: i) how fast and well the brain filters, processes, and applies information, ii) the value of an individual, team, group, enterprise/organization/institution/government, and iii) if the world lives in peace (abundance) or war (poverty). Propaganda takes power by destroying trust.
The Briefing breaks down into 5 Levels of understanding: 1) The Basics, 2) How Propaganda Works, 3) History, 4) The Victory Plan, and 5) Immediate Actions. Anticipate reading the Briefing multiple times to ensure comprehension. Content triggers memories and emotions, making it difficult to maintain focus. Evil has put great effort into separating us from all that is good. It’s time to take back what evil has taken away.
One of the hardest things to accept is when we have allowed ourselves to be taken advantage of. Swallowed the lies and wanted more. Anyone born after 1950 is conditioned (meticulously groomed) to accept False Narratives keeping us from realizing our collective potential. Blocking us from guiding, protecting, and supporting each other.
I expect this Briefing helps you get past the anger flamed by current events and energizes you to get into the fight by learning the truth.
“Then I get on my knees and pray - we don’t get fooled again!” Peter Townshend, The Who
Level 1 - The Basics
- Propaganda drives the Psy Ops Cycle of: Demoralization-Destabilization-Crisis-New Normal (The Great Reset) by generating False Narratives designed to disorientate, confuse, and overwhelm a target, setting it up to be deceived, manipulated and exploited for political and financial gain.
- The Durham Report proves the existence and power (consequences) of propaganda. More reports detailing environment, election, COVID/Vax, Ukraine, and other major frauds should be expected.
- Historical increases in crime and homelessness, a collapsing Border, Ukraine bringing us to the brink of WWIII, the U.N. advocating for the elimination of protections against the sexual exploitation of children, and a President ready to give emergency powers over Americans to the WHO (World Health Organization) prove we are at the Crisis Stage of the Psy Ops Cycle.
- Understanding the mechanics of propaganda is the first step to defeating its masters.
- Replacing the fear, anger, and hate certain to be triggered by human and economic loss, with accountability and forgiveness is the key to minimizing pain and hardship - and maximizing recovery efforts.
Level 2 - How Propaganda Works
- Propaganda’s agents initially infiltrated entertainment (movies and television), network news, and academia to introduce, propagate, and validate False Narratives (lies) engineered to destroy self and cultural trust. Infiltration expanded to influencers (personalities) to normalize corrupt behavior, and into corporations/organizations/institutions/government to enforce compliance with corrupt behavior. Note entertainment now includes music, video games, sports, and gambling.
- Propaganda destroys trust by discouraging accountability. Entitlement (benefit without obligation), Moral Relativism (don’t bother judging because anything can be justified), and Political Correctness (impolite to ask questions, debate, disagree) are promoted by the Popular Culture (entertainment, media, and academic collective) to suppress trust-building behaviors. When we believe i) we have no obligations, ii) no responsibility to discern right from wrong (good from evil - whether our acts or the acts of others improve the human condition of corrupt it), and iii) no duty to seek the truth we lose the awareness to improve and protect ourselves (and those we care about most). We are no longer sensitive to our obligations, competency, nor performance. We lose the power to create value and become dependent upon the government - precisely what the masters of propaganda desire.
- Independent thought is proportional to self-trust. Self-trust is proportional to knowing the truth (we either did the work or not - accountability). Independent thinking unlocks curiosity and activates creativity and imagination - character traits fostering collaboration. Collaboration manifests in high awareness realizing individual and collective potential.
- Frustration, stress, and anxiety exist because we struggle to improve fast enough to keep up with accelerating change - the competitive pressure to do more with less in a shorter period of time to fulfill our obligations. We struggle to keep up and realize our potential because instruction teaching the science of trust is missing from education, professional training, and organizational development. Exclusion allows propaganda to exist.
- Financial pressure targeting the middle, lower class, and poor increases the effectiveness of propaganda efforts to disorientate, confuse, and overwhelm. Financial stress is exerted through higher taxes, interest rates, energy, health care, food, and education costs. Inflation exponentially increases economic pressure and, in turn, risk of regional and global conflict.
- A two-tiered justice system, school boards co-opted to promote/protect propaganda’s lies, and efforts to defund the police collectively accelerate destabilization.
- In 2009, internet bandwidth increased by 10X (4G) to power the Smart Phone. Social Media exploded to supercharge online information consumption and shopping. The increase allowed for the generation of massive amounts of personal data and made it easily accessible for harvesting, analysis, and profiling. The frequency and effectiveness of propaganda messaging increased dramatically.
- In 2020, 5G increased 4G bandwidth by 100X to power the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT applies RFID (Radio Frequency Identifiers) technology to exponentially increase data generation. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is now used for collection, analysis, and profiling resulting in precision and frequency of manipulation few can comprehend.
Level 3 - History of Propaganda
- Lies are as old as time. Propaganda’s engineers perfected telling them.
- Propaganda brought Hitler to power.
- Have you ever considered how Nazi Germany ended up in possession of advanced technologies prior to WWII?
- How high is the probability that the Deep State (Khazarian Mafia) is responsible?
- The Nazi Objective was to control all of Europe and Russia, and the natural resources of Africa to build a massive industrial superpower dwarfing the United States. Fortunately they failed. The United States built up industrial and manufacturing capacity to out-produce the Nazi war effort. The Nazis could not commercialize their advanced technologies fast enough to match U.S. ship, plane, truck, tank, gun, bomb, and bullet production. The Moral High Ground ensured the U.S. and its Allies fielded a superior warfighter.
- History suggests the CIA was created by the same people who provided advanced technologies to the Nazis so they could maintain control. Operation Paperclip secured approximately 1300 Nazi scientists. Russia picked up about 400. Nuclear and rocket technologies are the best known. However the propaganda scientists have proved most valuable.
- The masters of propaganda feared the United States industrial and manufacturing potential fueled by victory (National Pride). So they spun up the propaganda machine to subvert unity, ambition, and a powerful commitment to the Greater Good.
- Fortunately, propaganda’s masters either never considered or dismissed the possibility there could be Good Guys smarter than them. The consequences of propaganda (evil deeds) are taking over mainstream consciousness. The intelligence, agility, and resilience to repel the lies and sustain the effort to defeat evil are emerging. Victory is a mathematical certainty. Good spawns Good. Evil spawns evil. Evil corrupts. Good empowers and sacrifices to evolve at a much faster rate. There is exponentially more Good than evil in the world.
Level 4 - The Victory Plan
- Understand and accept how propaganda deceived, manipulated, and exploited us so we can forgive ourselves and others, and begin to heal. Propaganda agents must be held accountable and punished (serve their sentences or worse). Exposing and punishing evildoers, who knowingly corrupted humanity, is central to trust building.
- Restore Independence and Good Order by teaching the science of trust. Remember this knowledge is purposely excluded from education, professional training, and organizational development so propaganda can exist.
- The science of trust unites us through shared understanding of how improvement and performance are best directed and supported. This knowledge inspires and compels behavior building self and earing the trust and support of others most effectively. Character and commitment to the Greater Good become transparent. Strong conviction for who, what, and when to trust replace distraction and conflict (lies) with knowledge transfer and information flow. Development and value creation accelerate as superior awareness optimizes decision-making and execution. Leaders gain the power to best define, communicate, direct, and support performance expectations. Individuals gain the power to realize their potential multiple times a day instead of a handful over a week, month, or year. A thimble of understanding for trust’s power and construction turns into bucketfuls as evil is fully exposed.
- Enforce Constitutional Protections in a timely manner to secure an individual’s ability to know and communicate the truth. Lawfare corrupts charging standards - the indictment of criminals, and exploits an overburdened appeals process. The Supreme Court must expand its resources to gain awareness (anticipate) potentially unconstitutional lower court rulings so emergency injunctions can minimize harm (damage/hardship).
- The science of trust, by exposing evil will clean up much of the corruption in courts. Judges will become highly motivated to prioritize transparency of their fairness. Aggressive enforcement of evidence rules ensuring defendants’ rights while not allowing the exclusion of evidence due to clerical errors is one way to increase transparency.
Level 5 - Immediate Actions
- Propaganda demoralizes (1st Stage of Psy Ops Cycle) by separating us from Absolute Truths exposing evil. Absolutes prove themselves century over century by improving the human condition most effectively. For example, the family unit is the foundation of Good Order because it provides the most immediate guidance, care, and protections. Appreciation for family love (benefits received) inspires and compels respectful behavior (truth telling). Knowing the truth manifests in the trust realizing individual and collective potential. Families spawn communities. Communities leverage strengths (skill, knowledge, experience, and resources) to protect and accelerate value creation (independence) leading to even higher advancement. Evil cannot compete with love and commitment of family and community. And why it works so hard to destroy them by normalizing divorce, abortion, and forcing communities to comply with centralized power (behave in a certain way to get a portion of their tax dollars back).
- So the first and most powerful action you can take is strengthen your family and community. The best way to start (short of learning the science of trust) is examining your obligations, competency, and outcomes of your effort to guide, care for, and protect others. You will identify positives and negatives so you can prioritize improvement. Here is simple logic to keep you on track: 1) count your Blessings, 2) find someone to help, and 3) use the awesome power of forgiveness. Stay accountable to this logic and you will stabilize your life and see the path to your potential.
- Share the Briefing and keep getting better at working the Plan. Imagine the ripple effect created by inspiring 10 people to jump ‘all-in’ with you!
Personal accountability: i) honors your Blessings, ii) earns peace and fulfillment, iii) creates the awareness to help others, iv) the trust others need to accept your help, and v) triggers the awesome power of forgiveness. Evil works 24/7 to destroy the proof.
Learning the science of trust eliminates the 3 Blind Spots evil exploits: 1) the difference between what we believe we know and actual depth of knowledge, 2) how we perceive our behavior and the reality of our conduct, and 3) our inability to know how our behavior impacts the efforts of others.